City vs City 2020: Warsaw Poland vs. Berlin Germany Re-cap

City vs City Warsaw vs BerlinThe second City vs City competition featured Warsaw Poland vs. Berlin Germany occurred on Saturday February 29th, 2020. The format for the competition was five rounds of 1 vs 1 in which a player was selected from each team to play against each other. Whoever wins the round wins one point for their team. Following the five 1 vs. 1 competitions is a Pairs round where two players perform for 2 minutes; the winning team wins 2 points for their team. That round is followed by the Co-op round where teams of three players compete against each other, and that winning team wins 3 points for their team. The first team to win 6 points wins the round and advances to the semi-finals. If the score is tied after the five 1 vs 1, pairs and Co-op rounds, a sudden death round of 1 vs 1 will determine the final champion.

The judges are Hall of Fame inductees: Bill Wright, Larry Imperiale, and Steve Hubbard. Other staff was Jake Gauthier (Broadcast Director), Lori Daniels (Host), Skippy Jammer (Co-Host) and Randy Silvey (Judging Director).

Berlin Germany Team:
Graf Mordi
Fabian Dinklage
Freddie “Spinner” Finner
Phillip “German PK” Kruger
Stefan Dunkel

Warsaw Poland Team:
Kuba Radwanski
Mateusz Gajewski
Konrad Patris
Kuba Opaluch
Tymek Wrotek

Round One 1 vs. 1: Tymek Wrotek (Warsaw) vs. Fabian Dinklage (Berlin)
Tymek goes first for Warsaw with a series conservative under the leg passes then loses the disc when it pops off his nail on an inside pull. Advantage Berlin. Fabian answered with some under the leg passes followed by a Skidout to a swoop. Then a set to a spinning Barrel catch. Point Berlin.
Berlin 1 Warsaw 0

Round Two 1 vs. 1: Stefan Dunkel (Berlin) vs. Konrad Patris (Warsaw)
Stefan shows a variety of skills with under the leg passes, some lower body holds. Then swoop, back side kick into a series of rolls and sets punctuated by a mini-Vacation. Advantage Berlin. Konrad responds with some under the leg passes into a tipping combination. He then does a series of brushes and rolls into a standing Flamingo. Berlin takes the point with a split decision by the judges.
Berlin 2 Warsaw 0.

Round Three 1 vs. 1: Philip Kruger (Berlin) vs. Mateausz Gajewski (Warsaw)
Philip starts off with a behind the legs Cove Pull into a consecutive Juice Pull that pops off of his nail. Advantage Warsaw. Mateausz receives a counter throw and goes into a short tipping combination followed by a Skidout. He then drops the disc on a difficult behind the back turnover. Warsaw takes the point:
Berlin 2 Warsaw 1

Round Four 1 vs. 1: Kuba Opaluch (Warsaw) vs. Freddie Finner (Berlin)
Kuba goes first, taking a Counter throw going into a short Tipping series. Then he drops the front side Gitis off of a chest roll set. Advantage Berlin. Freddie does a couple of multiple spin under the leg takes, then sets for a double spinning Under the Back Leg Catch. Berlin takes the point.
Berlin 3 Warsaw 1

Round 5 1 vs. 1: Graf Mordi (Berlin) vs. Kuba Radwanski (Warsaw)
Graf Mordi goes first with a couple of lower leg holds followed by a perfectly executed spinning Flamingitis. Advantage Berlin. Kuba answers with a couple of inverted hold passes into a series of back side kicks ending with an Under the Leg Catch. Berlin takes the final 1 vs. 1 point in a split decision.
Berlin 4 Warsaw 1

Pairs: Fabian Dinklage and Freddie Finner (Berlin) vs. Kuba Opaluch and Tymek Wrotek (Warsaw).
Fabian and Freddie were partners at FPAW Seattle and proceed with some tight choreography doing some fairly straight forward co-ops. Then they performed a series of Speedflow catches perfectly. Fabian covers from a sloppy set, then passes to Freddie for a perfect Bad Attitude catch. At the end of their two minutes they open up their game a bit, catching Gitis, Upside Down Spinning Scarecrow, then the feed ends with 15 seconds to go. Advantage Berlin. Warsaw comes out showing strong energy with some dynamic movement passing the disc back and forth, catching Gitis, then suffer through a few errors with some untimely drops. They are unable to find their initial groove, giving the round to Berlin who wins the Match and the Game.
Berlin 6 Warsaw 1.

Co-op: Graf Mordi, Philip Kruger and Stefan Dunkel (Berlin) vs. Kuba Radwansi, Konrad Patris and Mateusz Gajewski (Warsaw).
Berlin comes out first fresh off of winning the Game vs. Warsaw. They begin their three minutes with some Counter Spin simple passes. Graf begins to push the difficulty envelope a bit. His team mates follow but they don’t quite have their groove yet. The feed gets cut-off with 1:20 left in their routine. Advantage Warsaw. Warsaw starts off with some controlled passes with the disc starting to hit the ground a bit too often. Super Rad rightens his team’s ship a bit with a nice series and a few solid catches. Mateusz shows some skill deep into their routine. Konrad and Kuba both finish strong with a decent team effort. Berlin takes the round with a split decision.
Berlin 9 Warsaw 1

Individual Scoring:
Fabian Dinklage 2 Points
Stefan Dunkel 2 Points
Freddie Finner 2 Points
Graf Mordi 2 Points
Philip Kruger 1 Point

Mateausz Gajewski 1 Point

Re-cap written by Skippy Jammer

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One Comment

  1. yayz on the write-up

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